
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Load PDFs to your Windows Phone

[Disclaimer :  You need to have a Developer Unlocked Phone with you for this to work  -  which means you need to have an account @ App Hub  ]

Hi people.

    I was trying to load a few of my PDF files into my windows phone.  The first obvious thing i tried was to upload them to Sky Drive and access them from there , but i realized that each time i opened the document, it was downloading from there.
 What ! My file was like 20 Mb in size, full of images and stuff that i created,  so it was taking time to download and load each time.  My next thought was like .... Write a Windows Phone App  that would contain a PDF file which i could try to access somehow.  But before i started, I thought I'll look it up on the internet instead.

To my HUGE relief, I found a damn useful tool called Windows Phone Manager Tool ,  ( )

Try it yourself.  I was able to load my Pdf files, as well as a few doc files .  I had an issue with the click once version,  so i tried the non click once  file  (which is a rar file in that codeplex site i mentioned earlier)

 So all you have to do to get a PDF loaded from your PC :

1) Get a Developer Account (Hey,come on. You need to have an unlocked phone )
2) Install WP Manager Tool (non click once version)
3) Upload files from your PC .

By the way, i developer unlocked my Phone using the Windows Phone Toolkit . I also installed the 5 apps i created . (more on Windows Phone soon) . I am so in Love with my Lumia 710 .  (Will do for now, till i get to participate in the next Contest )

P.s : Just a side note.  If you have a developer unlocked phone , and still getting the message
"Please ensure your device is PIN-unlocked and press any key to continue..."
Then all you need to do is .. wait for it. ...  remove the lock screen  on your phone  : D

Hope you found the tid bit useful !

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